Water: The Elixir Of Life

We all know that our body is 60% water. More interestingly our body parts have different water compositions & percentages; brain is 70% water, skin 64.68, lungs 83.74, liquid tissues 93.33, solid tissues 70.40, muscles 79.52. Even the teeth are 5% water and the skeletal system is 31.81.

But there are animates that exceed these percentages; both, jellyfish & a cucumber, are 95% water. As its importance is imperative, water’s lack thereof is dangerously critical. Unsafe water kills 200 children every hour. 1/3 of what the world spends on bottled water in one year could pay for projects providing water to everyone in need.

780 million people lack access to improved water sources. Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid including sulfuric acid. Water is quite dense and hence incompressible, unlike gasses. Its density is about 99.7% of its volume. Coincidently, its also sometimes considered one to one since it was used for establishing the metric unit of mass i.e. 1 cubic centimeter weighs 1 gram.

50% of water is lost through leaks in cities in the developing world. Nearly $260 billion is the estimated annual economic loss from poor water and sanitation in developing countries. Water expands by 9% when it freezes and it’s acidity slightly increases. 85% of the world population lives in the driest half of the planet, making water availability & frugality one of the biggest necessities as our population grows.

At minimum, it takes about 45 litres of water to sustain a human with drinking, sanitation & food production accounted for.

Urine & sweat isn’t the only way we lose water, in one day we lose 237 ml of water from exhaling air. By 2025 half of the world’s people will live in countries with high water stress. Hot water can freeze faster than cold water under some conditions, commonly known as the Mpemba Effect. Water regulates the earth’s temperature.

If the entire world’s water were to fit into 4 litres, the fresh water would account for only a tablespoon. As per availability, only 0.007% of the planet’s water can be used to fuel & feed our entire population. A 700 mile round trip via a commercial airplane would cost an individual more than 34000 litres of water. There is more fresh water in the atmosphere than in all of the rivers on the planet combined.

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